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Lockdown flash poetry

Updated: May 29, 2020

Thanks to the 27 people from around the world who answered a Wordwarrior call on social media to do a flash poem - each one contributing a line or two - on how they are surviving lockdown.

Here Is the poem which I compiled from the many lines sent in. Enjoy ❤️ Vivian Warby

Making it through lockdown..

Measuring out time in breaths and coffee sips

It’s like a wild roller coaster ride,

all the ups and downs.

Going deeper within,

at times lost in my own tangled Wilderness.

just here on the carpet,

coloring in like I'm 3,

just here taking a forever bath

Staying centered in my heart

Living in the moment,

Enjoying the new daily exchange of bakes, online mass & chats

..accepting the calm and peace in my soul.

Having my beloved husband with me,

Reconnecting with friends and family,

past and present,

I used to think that love was just a fairy tale, until that first cigarette,

fewer choices have meant greater experiences.


Even for a lover of solitude,

this solitude weighs too heavily.

Nourish my mind,

nourish my body,

nourish my ‘people’

When I wake up and hear the birds chirping,

and seeing the green trees.

The words “please be safe”

keep me from seeing what beauty is in place.

When I wake up

And see and feel the warmth of the sun

my worries are gone.

I might not be embracing you,

but from behind my locked door peering through the window

I'm reaching out to you in more ways than one

Lost a loved one

Yet so happy to have love

The distance of friends and family remains - a chasm of picture postcards

... ‘ lost in translation ‘ ....

yet Finding silver linings through gratitude

Crying out loud sometimes

The deeper sorrow carves into your soul,

Opening my eyes wider each day

Seeing more and more beauty everywhere

Taking this mindfully day by day

... I focus daily on finding my balance

And continue on the river of life,

accumulating knowledge

& taking road trips on the cyber highway.

Everything comes n goes

Waiting for good news to arrive!

with thanks to these Facebook and Insta Wordwarriors 👇🏽💕💖

by Susan Olswang, Tracy Melass, Charmaine Pretorius, Tara Gellé, Aletta Lintvelt, Robyn MacLarty, Mary Patricia Barnard, Linda Kagan, Rudi Groothedde, Angela Gonsalves, Chad Shapiro, Karin Beardmore, Carola Koblitz, Meryl Lewis, Marlene Davids, Evert Johan Erasmus, Hub Metry, Yonela Sinqu, Meisie Nel, Gloria Robinson, Edwin Norris, Suroj Chitrakar, Kristine Melville, Julia Jansch, Jennifer Crocker, Yolandi Boshoff, Heather Bisset

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