For Arthur ♥️ i cannot be in a monogamous relationship with you Happiness
Are you happy? He asked
Yes deeply so...
Really? Are you really happy, he queries further...
Yes, In my heart, my soul, under my fingernails, and in the hairs of my nose, I am so happy...
And .....
I am also deeply deeply sad,
richly mad and overwhelmingly glad...
I avert my eyes,
And continue...
Gone is my bloodthirsty lust to cut off the limbs and organs of this smorgasbord of feelings
Subdued is my obsessive and illusionary search for a solo emotion like this Mr Happy to numb out all others ...
as juicy and sweet as it is,
a solo emotion will never fulfill my human longing ..
I have this need inside to flavour and embrace, get dirty with, all these other visitors that walk through my inner mansions...
the sweet fragrance of grief, sadness, rejection, grit, joy, contentment, laughter, lightness
I can no longer eat dinner alone with just happiness
There is a seat at this dinner table of my life for more than just one....
Am I happy? You ask me ...
Yes I am richly happy
And I am also deeply richly all else....
This is, my friend, the walk of life ....
Take my hand, let’s get dirty in this living thing together ♥️♥️♥️ VivIan Warby