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The gold and the grit in Morning Pages

WordWarriors what do you do with all your journals of Morning Pages ?

I have a cupboard full, and some, and work with them in numerous creative ways - some of which we use in my Morning Pages workshops.

Do you ever go back and read them, or do you toss them out?

Would love to know what you do with all the books of early morning thought processing on the page.

I sometimes have this irrational fear if I suddenly die someone will find them and not realise that I didn’t actually mean all the stuff I wrote :).

It’s amazing how much nonsense - and yet how much gold - can come out in these first-morning thoughts!

  • If you’d like to join me in a week-long morning pages writing workshop starting July 21, email me for details. It’s going to be juicy, exhilarating, comforting and will get your writer’s muscle working again. It starts at 7.15am gMT+2.

Pic by Toa Heftiba.

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